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Day Trips with Friends


(1944 - 1949)

"You must have been warned about letting the golden hours slip by, But some of them are golden only because we let them slip by."

-- J.M. Barrie

City Island in 1945

City Island was a popular day trip for those living in the Bronx.  Nicki, Al, Rudy, Pepe, and Pete all enjoyed their fair share of days at the Island.


Click on the picture to the left to start the slide show.  Click through the pictures at your own pace. 

Orchard Beach in 1945

Another fun day trip spot was Orchard Beach.  Nicki, Al, Angie, Rudy, and Pepe all enjoyed their fair share of days at the beach.  


Click on the picture to the left to start the slide show.  Click through the pictures at your own pace. 

Time Square, ~1946-1947
Sometimes the boys would find their way into Manhattan, like Nicki did when he was on leave from the Navy.
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